Saturday, July 7, 2012

My baby is becoming a toddler!

Well Lincoln turned one this past 4th of July. In some ways it feels like the last year has taken forever (lack of sleep will do that to you) and in other ways it has flown by. We celebrated by having a couple dozen people over for a barbeque and we completely lucked out with great weather! As usual I over stressed about the event and probably went over board on some of the decorations but then again, Lincoln will only turn 1 once, right? Some of my favorite memories of Lincoln's day included watching him play in the yard with his cousins, cuddling with him while watching fireworks and, of course, watching him completely chow down on his birthday cake. He was really funny because he'd eat some of the frosting and then pause when everyone would laugh. He eventually dove in and decimated his smash cake - and he ate 3/4 of it. Apparently he got his mother's love of sweets! All in all, it was a great day and it is now obvious that my sweet baby boy is turning into a sweet (and occasionally not so sweet) toddler!

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