Sunday, July 15, 2012

Random Lincoln Moments

Just some random Lincoln moments from the last week....

- The other morning we woke up with Lincoln in our bed (not necessarily an unusual thing). He popped right up, leaned over Andy and said "Da-da, tickle tickle" while trying to tickle Andy.

- I spent a few nights in Spokane this last week for school. I had the bright idea of video chatting with Andy and Lincoln. I thought Lincoln would get a kick out of it. Well he didn't. In fact, I think it just reminded him that I was not home. He sobbed on the phone and according to Andy it took him 15 minutes after we hung up to calm down.

- I was gone for 4 days and when I came home, I could not believe all that Lincoln had learned in such a short amount of time. I asked him how his week was (and I'm not kidding), he pointed up and garbled "balloon"...all the while pointing at his birthday balloon that was floating near the ceiling. Seriously? His language developement is amazing! I then asked him where Lucy was and he turned around and pointed at the dog. Crazy!

- Speaking of Lucy, Lincoln has learned to grab and pull her tail. We are working on it. Lucy has been handling it really well though. She just tolerates it and jumps away when she as the chance. I'm proud of that little pup.

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