Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Trip = First Steps

I feel almost bad for saying this but we made it over to the Tri-Cities with Lincoln for the first time since he was born. He's 13 months old so we probably should have made the trip sooner but, alas, life (and an extremely fussy child) got in the way and our trip was postponed.

Anyways - my Grandma's 77th birthday provided a great reason to finally make the drive. I'm glad we did too because it was so nice to see Lincoln interact with my aunts/uncles and all of his cousins. AND - I'm pretty sure seeing all of the kids running around encouraged Lincoln to FINALLY take more than 1 or 2 steps. In front of several of us (including a tearing eyed Grandma Birdie) Lincoln took 7 steps. My Grandma was so happy to see this. In fact, she told us we weren't allowed to leave until she saw Lincoln walk. I guess it's a good thing she saw it because we would still be there (the silly monkey refuses to do it again)!

The trip over was short (just one night) but overall was a success. We definitely hope to make it over more often.

(By the way - Grandma is NOT giving Lincoln soda. It's water in the cup!)

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