Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our life is busy

Our life, at what I lovingly call Puckett Family Headquarters, has been crazy the last few weeks. I, of course, have my normal full time job and the spring/summer season is Andy's really busy time at work. The poor guy has been juggling multiple contracting and remodel jobs for a couple of months now and there is no end in sight. It's great for our pocketbook but not so great on Andy's mental and physical health. He's a trooper though! To top off our normal commitments - I'm also back in Grad school AND we now have a very mobile infant who insists on getting his hands on anything and everything. We call him Lincoln "Danger" Puckett - mainly because he used to love being thrown up in the air and now it's because the kid just won't stop. He has a perpetual bruise on his forehead because he's constantly falling or bumping into something. In fact I just received a text from my sister (Lincoln's babysitter) that says he has another bruise on his face. Apparently this time he smacked his face on the TV stand in the living room. Oh dear.... As for Grad school - I'm just a few classes away from my Masters in Organizational Leadership. I've been working on it for years. I took a break when I found out I was pregnant. We had just gutted the house for the kitchen and living room remodel and I just couldn't handle remodeling, pregnancy (also known as extreme exhaustion), work and school at the same time. So now that that's over with....I'm back at it. This semester I'm taking two classes. One is a team building class and the other is a class on "hardiness". It's actually a pretty interesting course - it focuses on individual resiliency and internal motivation. The coolest part of the class is the group activity though. At the end of July we will all be climbing Mt. Adams (or attempting to). The goal is to reach the summit in 2 days. The mountain is to serve as a metaphor and/or a test of our own personal hardiness. Do we have the commitment necessary to do it? I sure hope I do - otherwise the $1000 in equipment I just bought will be for nothing!

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