Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blogging Bandwagon

A friend of mine recently told me that he is taking a trip to the wonderfully amazing country of Vietnam. He asked for my travel advice as a travel aficionado (well maybe I'm not quite an expert but I AM enthusiastic about traveling and I HAVE been to Vietnam). Anyways, while talking to my friend I remembered that I blogged during my Vietnam travels. So I pulled up my old blog and realized, through reading my posts, that I had already forgotten so many details of my trip and it's only been two years! It got me thinking - what else have I forgotten about my life? What other important memories are long gone because I didn't write them down? I can imagine I've lost quite a few life details. Some would say - so what...that's life. And the younger Shauna might have agreed with them. However, the new Mom in me cringes at the thought of losing memories of my sons first year of life and all of the important, albeit little, experiences my family has endured, accomplished, etc. With that being said, I'm officially jumping back on the blogging bandwagon. I think I may have had a total of 3 Vietnam blog followers and I'll probably be lucky to have that many for this one however that's not really what's important. The importance is memory preservation, a forum for my rants/raves/passions and something for me to do when I'm procrastinating. Andrew and Lincoln - I will try not to embarrass you.

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